Sunday, August 25, 2013

Take Life One Day at a Time

I really wish that during the season of the Academy Awards, that any and all movies that are nominated should screen at movie theaters because I have found so many times that a lot of the movies that are nominated.. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF!  And I mean come on, if they're nominated for an Oscar, they deserve a lot more credit than being "this year's indie hit" or whatever.

For example, Rabbit Hole was a drama that came out in 2010 that I had not heard about until the night of the Academy Awards hearing about a nomination for something that sounded like an Alice in Wonderland spin-off.  And I didn't even come to watch the movie until we finally got Netflix and I watched a buttload of movie staying up all night.  And I LOVED THE MOVIE

The movie stars Nicole Kidman (nominated for Best Actress) and Aaron Eckhart and follows their once happy marriage after the accidental death of young son.  I honestly feel like this Drama was so under appreciated and highly recommend you watch it... Now... Do It.

Centering around the couple as they cope with the tragedy that came into their lives, the movie follows the most honest and accurate representation of how people cope with the death of loved ones and sometimes end up hurting others while trying not to endure any more emotional pain than what they themselves are already going through.  The long term effects of something so depressing and heartbreaking can really take a toll on a family leading one to question all that is their new reality.

One looks to others to see how they coped with a similar situation even though no one could possibly ever feel like they feel.

One questions their faith wondering "Why me? Why my son? What kind of destiny holds such a tragic component to some big plan?"

One even considers acting out in any way possibly finding an escape from it or possibly something to keep their minds off of the truth.

It isn't terribly depressing so hold off on being afraid of leaving this movie with puffy eyes and an empty box of kleenex, but it did speak to me in an interesting way and I came to love it immensely especially for it's ultimate message to just take life day by day and not look for much more than that.  When you see your world turned upside down, just take a moment to sit back and see what it is you CAN do.. and start there

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