What is College?

Every college student during their years studying always deal with the same questions again and again and again and again of
- How's college going?
- What's it like at college?
- What is the funnest/craziest/greatest thing about college?
- or my favorite, the informal .. Do ya like it?

So at the beginning of my first year I began writing down what college meant, and here is what I have determined college to be from my experience so far:

College Is:

  • where your friends become your family
  • where you eat those rejected end slices of bread loaves because hey it's food
  • where you can go shopping in the middle of the week and make it back in time for your next lecture
  • where you wonder who those two college kids dressed as superheroes running around campus are
  • where coupons mean you're going out tonight
  • where body paint is a cheaper way to dress up for a party
  • where it's up to you to decide who you want to be 
  • where you notice just how expensive fruit actually is
  • where you really wash your laundry for the first time... and find that watching the spin cycle is a lot of fun
  • where you strike up conversations with strangers only to later become great friends with them
  • where you become a master of shaking hands and introducing yourself                        (there is always someone new to meet)
  • where you learn to try new things
  • where hearing/reading the word "free" makes you run faster than a track star and more excited than a kid at Disneyland
  • where you learn to appreciate your parents
  • where you learn to cut someone's hair and learn to trust someone to cut your own
  • where a trip to the grocery store becomes an adventure
  • where a shopping cart becomes a race car
  • where free samples count as a meal
  • where the "sniff test" was most likely invented and deemed a credible test of cleanliness
  • where you only know how many people are actually in your lecture on the day of a midterm and/or a final
  • where the undie run is one of the few times males will wear less than females
  • where it is never too late to start looking for an internship
  • where laundry is dictated by your sock/underwear supply
  • where making a trip back home during the year to surprise your folks will always be worth it 
  • where you check social media more than once a day
  • where you can wear jeans for 2 weeks straight with no one knowing/caring
  • where care packages are better than Christmas
  • where old school video games like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros are the best
  • where you can take a nap anywhere on campus and no one will bother you - all students know how tired everyone is
  • where you know what people carrying backpacks late at night are up to
  • where dining halls are you source of free silverware and plates
  • where you have contacts in your phone with weird nicknames to remember who they are and how you met
  • where you should own a fun pair of undergarments perfect for any events calling for such 'attire' like a party or undie run
  • where you step back and have that bittersweet realization that life just won't get any better than your college years
  • where the expiration date on food is the indication of the day AFTER you finished all that was in that container
  • where you can build a fort and leave it for as long as you want
  • where POP TARTS become the breakfast of champions
  • where having a car makes you everyone's best friend
  • where unfortunately, you find out high school drama is not only just in high school
  • where you learn to run with a backpack on from one destination to the next
  • where class is optional but you have no one to blame but yourself if you don't pass the course
  • where you have breakfast when most are typically eating lunch and dinner takes place when others are considering a midnight snack
  • where your laptop is your TV, stereo, home theater, connection to home, source of homework, and ultimately: your distraction
  • where you pull an all nighter for reasons other than homework
  • where a compact car can fit ten students if you try hard enough
  • where power naps are much longer than 20-30 minutes
  • where you find out the Freshman 15 takes place in the holiday season when you back home and eat all that home cooked food you missed so much
  • where you withdraw cash in fear of getting too comfortable using credit
  • where you create a new language with your friends
  • where you pick up new nicknames with great stories behind each one
  • where you are no longer the smartest or the dumbest and will always find someone to compare against
  • where you let loose
  • where you experience the true meaning of dead week
  • where you find out you have many undiscovered talents
  • where you learn to master public transportation
  • where you get used to going to movies, shopping, and anywhere else by yourself and its ok
  • where the friends you make in the beginning may not always be the friends you have in he end
  • where you revert back to elementary school days and label your belongings
  • where time flies
  • where everyone's idea of what a "relationship" entitles is different
  • where you can become an internet sensation
  • where you can get what you want if you put your heart in it
  • where you learn that it is necessary to take time for yourself and relax
  • where you pick more than one new TV shows and become addicting to starting the next 
  • where you find about everyone loves to rewatch Disney Classics
  • where you marathon tv shows and movies with your friends more often than not
  • where figuring out your housing situation for the upcoming year always has some form of drama
  • where you learn that you need to stop crossing oceans for people who won't jump puddles for you
  • where you have to remember that while you are growing up, your parents are growing older too.. so thank them for what they have done for you
  • where those little pod things for laundry make washing so much easier
  • where apparently the only game college students know is "10 Fingers" (AKA "Never Have I Ever)
  • where Halloween means skimpy/short/minimal clothing in a crowded area
  • where nothing makes you happier than seeing a puppy, getting free food, and/or finding out your class is cancelled
  • where you should always say hi to someone even if you just met them once, you may not remember their name but their memory may very well be better than yours and you do not want to come off as rude
  • where you will spend some of your best birthday celebrations, sometimes it isn't even your own birthday
  • where 'Siri' makes a guest appearance in at least one of your lectures every quarter/semester
  • where being in charge of your diet is either the best or worst thing to ever happen to you
  • where the best time to call anyone is walking to/from class
  • where you will learn to sew, iron, cook, and/or fold clothes properly
  • where you should always keep a good book in your car because parking on campus is terrible
  • where there is a big difference between 8am and 9am
  • where you find out that you don't know anyone until you have lived with them
  • where you become an expert on Breakfast-To-Go
  • where your room may not always be the best study spot for you
  • where people are looking for their group where they fit in, and it won't hurt to let them test out yours
  • where you should try to live with people off campus - it's a learning experience

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