Friday, August 9, 2013

One Note a Day, Keeps Unhappiness Away

Today I am going to discuss the importance of finding happiness in life.  HOLD ON HOLD ON! DON'T LEAVE I PROMISE I WILL NOT CONVERT YOU TO SOME NEW RELIGION

This post is about a little project of my own where everyday I recognize at least one thing that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I took one of those "family-sized" Martinelli's Apple Juice jugs and after "my family finished it" (haha let's be real I downed that thing in less than half a week), I washed it out, and found some sticky note pads lying around.

 Every day all I do is take a sticky note and write down one thing that made me happy that day, put a smile on my face, and/or made me feel good/proud of myself.

I started April 6, 2012 and so far have been doing well.  Whenever I go out of town you won't find me lugging around a huge jug with pieces of paper in it but at the end of each day (or after the trip) I just look back on the day (or days) and pull out my phone and type in what I would have written on a sticky on my NOTES page in my phone and just write it on stickies once I'm back

Now that I have explained how to do it... I CHALLENGE YOU TO TRY IT OUT!

Seriously though, what have you got to lose?

SPOILER: The answer is nothing, you have absolutely nothing to lose except some sticky notes and a jug that used to have apple juice or whatever beverage you like to consume

If you have certainly NO IDEA of what you would write, this is your lucky day because I am sharing examples.  NOTHING YOU WRITE DOWN IS STUPID

  • Finished reading ____________ after (only a day) [or] (four years of trying to read)
  • Snagged the last chocolate croissant at Starbucks
  • Took a nice warm shower and just relaxed after a long grueling day
  • Long line of traffic on way home but radio played awesome tunes
  • Was nostalgic and watched old TV Shows from when I was a kid
  • Had (meal) with mom/dad/sibling/grandparent/friend
  • Found a heads up penny!
  • Made bomb tacos 
  • Slept in until 4pm (Don't do that haha)


I myself am so excited for April 6, 2013 to come so I can see all that happened to me in a year and most likely start over for my next year of happiness to begin :)

Here is my jug with my favorite quote "Those who are most happy in life have no reason for being happy, except that they are so"... and if you really think you need a reason to be happy: Do this and when you look back in a year, you can find





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